Your Lips are Moving

I have been loving these Mom parody videos lately. To me, no one does them better than Deva from  Her videos seem to always hit home for me, with a pretty humorous tone.

The latest video is to Meghan Trainor’s “Lips are moving”. How true is this video for us Moms!? I have felt like I have had to repeat everything lately. They have managed the fine art of tuning me out.

Yesterday my neighbor was over with her daughter. When we went to give them a 5 minute warning for clean up, they didn’t respond. We yelled upstairs, whistled, made all sorts of noises, and folks we got not a single response. Ironically I turned to my neighbor and said, “my lips are moving, right?” We both laughed about it and headed upstairs to round up the scoundrels.

Here’s the video,and I hope you enjoy Deva as much as I do!

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