Liebster Awards

Well, Looky-loo I have been nominated for a Liebster Award! A special shout out and thank you to Brandon at:  Life Motherhood, and the Pursuit of Happiness!This is an award for blog newbies to encourage us to post more! You like me, you really like me!
thats what I thought

Kiddddding, maybe.

So any-who, thanks Brandyn for nominating me! Here’s how it works:

My questions were:

1. What is your favorite thing about being a blogger?
I love being able to voice my opinion, and share my experiences freely. It has been wonderful to find other Mom’s that are going through the same things. Plus being able to laugh about it. We are definitely a community, or gang. I like that better. We are some hooligans up to a whole lot of shenanigans!

2. If you won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with the money?
First thing I would do? I would travel! I would go on the honeymoon Eli and I never had!

3. If you could have any career in the world, what would it be and why?
I always wanted to be a marine biologist. School just was not my strong point with science, or math. Imagine that! However, I have a real love for not just animal life, but marine life. My bucket list includes going in a cage, off South Africa, with Great White Sharks.

4. What fictional character do you feel you are most like and why?
YIKES! I have read a LOT of stories where I related with characters. Right now, I have been reading Wild.   I can absolutely relate with Cheryl Strayed’s story. While I haven’t been divorced, the amount of strife I have had makes me feel like a need of self healing. I haven’t finished the book yet, but I’m enjoying her journey so far!

5. What fictional character do you wish you were  more like and why?

Probably Hermione 🙂 She is sure of herself, smart, a loyal friend, and brave. It may sound ridiculous to want to be a Harry Potter character, but she really does have a notable personality.

6. If you had a chance to say one thing that would be broadcast to everyone in the world, what would it be?

I see what you did here Brandon, you sly dog you! If I could broadcast one thing in the world it would be to love like its your last day. All of the fighting in the world, famine, crimes,and more. We say we have an appreciation for life, and how short it is; but do we really grasp that? If the world really understood that, we would be working together and not tearing everyone apart.

7. What’s your favorite song?

Currently? Taylor Swift- Blankspace I can’t help it!!!!

8. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

My favorite thing about myself is being able to maintain composure in crisis. I’m pretty positive its been genetically passed down.  When crap is hitting the fan, I can stay calm. This is especially useful when children are really hurt, everything that happened with my Mom, or just an emergency. When you’re calm, you make the better choice. Now, have me watch the Lion king, or take the kids to a show, I cry. Oh well, we can’t have it all!

9. If you could go on a vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

If I could go anywhere in the world, I have 2 for this:

~First is Italy. I have been there; although that was when I was 14. The history of Italy, my heritage, the villages, cities, and culture. I really just love it. There was a time I thought I would want to live in Tuscany. They just have a slower pace, love more passionately, and hold family first. Who can’t respect that?

~Second would be Alaska. I have such an itch to go here. I want to see glaciers, wild animals, dog sled, gold pan, and just experience the wild.

10. If you had access to a time machine, would you choose to use it? What era would you choose to visit?

Well, I will give you 2 for this too. Selfishly I would go back to 1999, before my dad was in the hospital. I don’t believe in being able to change the past, or stop things, but I would want to know more. The most painful thing about losing a parent before you’re an adult, is losing that relationship. Your relationship with your parent as a child is vastly different when you’re an adult. I would have so many questions. With that said I would have a million more questions for my other Grandparents who were alive at that time. They are my history, my beginnings. I would just have so much I would want to know.

Now if I just wanted to go to another era. I would choose the early 1900’s New York City. I am fascinated the debutante era of New York. The dresses, parties, courting. Hopefully the time machine will just give me that much money to do that as well!

11. Share one thing that makes you obnoxiously happy.

Disney.  Disney makes me obnoxiously happy. Disney movies, going to Disneyworld, looking at pictures, reading trip reports, watching youtube videos. It is a legit problem. There is something about when you’re in Disneyworld and you can just let go. It lets you be that kid again. When you get to see it through your childrens eyes, its a whole other gift.

11 Facts about myself

1. I’m a certified health claims coder. Comes in handy when you  handle your own doctor bills now 😉

2. We own 2 Rottweilers and a cat. If I had it my way, I would add another cat, fish, rabbit, guinea pig, and some chickens. I should have just gotten a farm.

3. I can’t fathom that I’m going to be 30 next year. It puts things into perspective of how quickly life passes by!

4. I really want to get a tattoo, I just haven’t confirmed exactly what it will be.

5. I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was 27. A couple friends, some tequila, Claires, and a teddy bear later VOILA!

6. I love to read. I will finish a book in a day, sometimes a night if its good enough, I read everything on my kindle so that I don’t have an overwhelming amount of books, but nothing beats actually holding a book.

7. I dated someone famous briefly when I was 18. He promised the moon and stars, and it ended as fast as it began. Fame and fortune does that I guess!

8. I was an Irish Step Dancer for 13 years. I truly loved doing it, and have still been trying to actively convince my boys to do it,

9. I really try to live my life without regret. I look at it more as an understanding. When you take ownership, and understand your choices its for the better. Regret eats at your soul.

10. I secretly think I could totally life off grid. Simplicity is a beautiful thing.

11. I have full on fear of dying. Hence, my you only live once, and life like you mean it attitude. Losing both of my parents before they were 70 is an eye opener. I don’t want to miss out on anything.

Alright, that was fun!

I nominate: PS I did not check if you all had less than 200 followers. Heck we are all in this together anyway, right?!?!

Lissette- Adventures with a Silly Baby

Amanda- Sweet Lemons

Stephanie- Brighter Day Today

Rachel- Can’t Google Everything

Jen- At Home with Jen

Sasha- Mom Life Now

Amanda- The Anti-Mom

Kayla- Mama Needs Miles

I will leave it at that, since I don’t want to nominate a bunch of others that have been nominated already! Also, I’m a rule breaker!

Here are your questions ladies!

1. If you could pick up and move anywhere, where would it be and why?

2. What have you learned about yourself with being a blogger?

3. If you could give yourself 16 year old self ONE piece of advice; what would it be?

4. What is the most important thing you want to teach your children.

5. Why did you start blogging.

6. If you could pick a celebrity to play you in a movie, who would it be? Why?

7. What is the most breathtaking place you’ve seen.

8. What current event are you passionate about?

9. Where do you blog in your house? Ie; office, living room, bedroom, closet?

10. What is the best book you recently read?

11. What quote best describes you?

Alright ladies! Have fun! Its totally optional but its always fun to keep it going.

Erin ❤

Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

7 thoughts on “Liebster Awards

  1. Thanks for playing along! It seems we are a lot alike! I’m with you on wanting to live in Italy, crying at Disney movies, and oh so many other things! Now you have me intrigued about who this famous fellow is lol
    Keep up the good work!


    • Thanks Sasha! I know you don’t, buuuuut figured I’d still nominate you 😉 I bought the image off of etsy. Then I made my logo on Its not exactly how I want it, but I didn’t want to pay someone to do it for me. Besides, it was legit how I blog: criss cross applesauce on the couch, coffee and books nearby, and laptop on my lap. Oh and usually disheveled looking!


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