My Koda Bear


I haven’t had time for a full entry, but please pass some prayers and love for our Koda. Today he had sudden vision loss. His eyes have been puffy, having discharge, and red. To make matters worse, his eyes are also cloudy. Petmd is my worst enemy, and I have seen that Rottweiler’s are notorious for eye problems.

Our hearts sunk tonight when we went to throw Koda a treat. He can catch ANY food from up to 10 ft away, at least! Tonight, from 2 ft away, the treat went over his head and he couldn’t find it. We repeated this 3 times. After speaking with our vet, we gave him some medication, and tucked him in. He’s afraid to leave his crate, and we are afraid for him.

Tomorrow morning we will be taking him right in to the vet. Please send positive thoughts and prayers that he isn’t going blind, that this is fixable, that its not CRAZY expensive, and that maybe…its nothing? Until then, I’ll be up with anxiety on Pinterest, and reading.

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